Emergency Response Plan
Emergencies are usually unexpected occurrence that require immediate action. An unplanned event with inadequate response can result to serious injuries, damage to property or loss of assets. It is important to ensure that organizations have adequate response plans and effective controls in event of any emergency. Every response plan should be evaluated to ensure that they function properly and must be adaptable to accommodate any changes. Emergencies can include but are not limited to:
- Medical
- Fire and Explosions
- Floods
- Pandemic
- Hazardous material
Identifying potential emergencies begins with identifying hazards and assessing risks associated with individual steps of different job procedures. Our consultants can:
- Conduct hazard identification and risk assessment of step by step work procedures
- Develop emergency preparedness and response plans
- Develop a business continuity and business recovery plan
- Design and conduct emergency drills or exercises
- Identify gaps from emergency drill exercises and offer recommendations to continually improve on response capabilities