Health and Safety Planning

Health and safety are paramount for the growth and sustainability of business and ensures valuable assets are protected. It enables employers to create and maintain a healthy and safe conducive work environment for all workers. It is an employer’s duty of care to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable the safety health and welfare of their workers, including safety considerations for their contactors and customers.

Our team of competent health and safety experts from different industry sectors and with years of practical experience, makes SHEM an ideal consultant for your organization to create, implement, and manage a health and safety program. . We are committed to cost effective mechanisms that are reasonable for employers to establish adequate management systems for health and safety.

The creation of a health and safety program focuses on the organization’s operations and services and applicable health and safety legislative requirements and standards. We encourage an integrated program that includes health and safety, security, quality, and the environment. The elements of the health and safety program includes but not limited to:

  • Company policy
  • Hazard identification, risk assessment and control
  • Safe work procedures and practices
  • Safety roles and responsibilities
  • Emergency plan
  • Workplace inspections
  • Maintenance
  • Hazardous materials (chemical and biological)
  • Incident investigation
  • Training plan
  • Contractors
  • Health and safety evaluation

Health and safety management:

Health and Safety programs should be adaptable and consistently evaluated. SHEM Consulting can conduct an audit of your health and safety program guided by elements of your program, applicable safety legislative requirements and standards such as ISO 45001 health and safety management, ISO 14001 environmental management and ISO 9001 quality management audit tools.